February 25, 2004


Random thought #427 - How does your stomach know when to vomit?

Let's say you eat some bad shrimp. Are there things in your belly that determine whether or not the bolus it's digesting is spoiled? It seems like an awfully harsh environment for the required sensitive instruments. Maybe it's the intestines that give the signal to blow chunks. I guess we know when things taste "bad;" has that sense evolved over the years for that purpose? Lets say these prawn were covered in a wonderful garlic cream sauce and nestled in a bed of linguini. If you didn't taste the spoiled flavor, would you not get sick?

Posted by Matthew at February 25, 2004 09:23 PM

the stomach is an amazing thing. at least mine is. i once ate some pizza with many toppings including pepperocini peppers, which i had never had before. just a couple of hours later, my stomach rejected the peppers and kept everything else. those peppers went down good too, but coming up, not so good.

Posted by: Tracy at February 26, 2004 08:35 AM