March 18, 2004

Music (wo)man

I got out to see Jenison High School’s production of Music Man last night. It stars my friend Lara as Marian the Librarian. I think all the actors did a really good job. They even had an assortment of kids from the grade school that did a nice job as well. The biggest problem for me was the set changes which took forever. In general, you need to be able to change the set before the music betweens scenes runs out - grrr. But as an added bonus, I got to spend time before the show with Aubrey who is in town on spring break. She helped me put together Lara's opening night gift which consisted of purple tulips, a pretty book mark with music notes on it, and a copy of a book by Balzac (which, if you know the show, should make sense). I learned from watching the show that i need to get me a footbridge. Apparently good things happen to people who hang out on footbridges.

After the show we went to Lara's to hang out for a bit. (I ended up staying out quite late hence the morning-after post.) We had a lot of fun picking apart the production. Then, somehow we started talking about our favorite SNL fake commercials (highlights include Happy Fun Ball, Oops I Crapped My Pants, and Quarry.) I even spent some time shaking it like a Polaroid picture (yeah, I know you're not really supposed to do that, but it was fun).

Posted by Matthew at March 18, 2004 11:09 AM