May 27, 2004

An old friend

Have you ever run into a friend that you used to spend a significant amount of time with but now don't see much. You get a little nervous when you see them because you know you just don't have that much in common anymore and that carrying on a conversation will involve coming up with a cleaver answer for the dreaded "what have you been up to" question that doesn't sound too egotistical as well as other meaningless "nice weather" idle chatter. Sometime people though no fault of their own simply become distant.

This is what it's like with me and my TI-89. I bought her back in January. We had an amazing semester together. Our powers combined produced an unstoppable math-problem-solving team. However, now she's sitting on my desk getting a bit dusty. Occasionally i do a bit of adding, but i don't want to insult her by asking her to balance my checkbook. She's better than that. So here we stand.

I am taking a math class next semester called "Communicating In Math." I'm told it will involve writing formal proofs which is something i've never really done before and sounds quite interesting. I'm hoping it will give me and my TI-89 a chance to reconnect. I'd hate to lose her companionship forever.

Posted by Matthew at May 27, 2004 06:27 PM