June 11, 2004

Play along

We learned today that late last night Norma was taken to a hospital in Ann Arbor. They said she was diagnosed with a ruptured aorta ... or maybe it was a dissected aorta, or was it a severed aorta ... no that sounds to severe. Anyway, based upon the way they described it, i would just call it a leaky aorta. Apparently she had been bleeding internally since Monday. I wouldn't have thought that sounded possible because there's only so much blood and it would have to have been a really slow leak. Anyway, she's stable now but it doesn't look as if she will be returning to the show.

In place of last night's performance, the cast had a rehearsal with Bernice Houseward whom they called in to fill the role. They went over blocking and such. They ran through her scenes again before the show today. She performed tonight with the script in hand and probably will continue to do so at least though the weekend. Luckily, everything went very smoothly and the audience seemed to follow along and have a good time.

Posted by Matthew at June 11, 2004 11:59 PM