July 22, 2004

Practice, practice, practice

We've been in rehearsal for two weeks now and not once as the whole cast been in the same room at the same time. It's quite difficult work work a scene when two of out the five people in it are missing. Paul, our director, has played up to three characters at a time so we can run lines and review blocking.

The play is shaping up nicely. Everyone is slowing getting off book. I have a lot of work to do on my British accent; right now it sounds dreadful. We're going to do it as it was written, in three acts, each about forty minutes, with two ten minute intermissions (because we care about the audience). My biggest concern at this point is my costume which i've been told will consist of tights and little else. Damn period pieces.

Opening night is Thursday, August 12. In the meantime, here are some of my favorite lines from the sections we went over today.

...He says the Day of Judgment is fixed for to-night.
Oh no. I have always been sure that when it comes, it will come in the autumn. Heaven, I'm quite sure, wouldn't disappoint the bulbs.
I know I am not a practical person; legal matters and so forth are Greek to me, except, of course, that I understand Greek.
Posted by Matthew at July 22, 2004 10:52 PM