March 30, 2005


About a month or so ago my dad started experiencing pain in his lower back. Despite several tests, the doctors sent him back home without a diagnosis because they couldn't find anything. Finally, an MRI turned up a lump along his spine. A biopsy confirmed that his cancer had come back. We knew this day would come because this type of cancer never just goes away. The timing was a bit surprising because he had been undergoing routine blood tests to looks for signs of its return; but those tests did, and still continue to, come up negative. That's why the doctors were very surprised to find the tumor.

Radiation therapy starts today. For now that means he won't have to go back to the hospital. Up next might be chemotherapy or another stem cell transplant. It's so difficult to go back and forth between sick and well. And just when we think we've moved past something, we wind up right back where we started. It's just so...frustrating.

Posted by Matthew at March 30, 2005 08:09 PM

Sorry to hear that about your father.
I'll keep him in my prayers.

Posted by: Kristi S at March 30, 2005 09:32 PM