October 13, 2005

I get cranky when i don't eat

I left work starving but i had to go directly to class. It turns out that we would be watching a video today in class all about food production -- how cruel. I sat there and watched third-world peasants enjoying delicious beans and corn fresh from outside their front door as my tummy growled. As they munched their fruit, beads of juice flew toward the camera. Dirty faces masked their delight. I suffered though the hour and a half fast. Those lucky poor people don't have to waste their time in school because they can just sell their extra wheat at the market (that is, if they don't eat it all themselves). Should i feel sorry for them? I don't think so. I'm sorry that i didn't have a Snickers on me.

Posted by Matthew at October 13, 2005 09:31 PM

this is a bit odd...did u happen to go to St. Dominic Catholic School?

Posted by: natasha at October 19, 2005 10:42 PM