September 01, 2006

Week one done

I have survived my first week as a 16-credit-hour-carrying, full-time college student. Most of my classes are interesting; only one is dead boring. So far i'd guess that advanced calculus is going to be the toughest (but in a good way). My schedule is really spread out which makes it difficult to make good use of my time. Most students still do their math with pencils but i've grown accustomed to typing mine up. When i'm at school, i really miss my computer. Not just a computer because GVSU has plenty of open computer labs, but my computer. I love using TeXShop and Grapher to put together my proofs. I'm thinking that i need to purchase an Apple portable so i can be as productive as possible when i have to wait around on campus for my next class to start. Now i just have to find some extra money. Currently i'm looking into selling my plasma.

Posted by Matthew at September 1, 2006 10:39 PM