September 06, 2006

Scanning for intelligent life

I get a kick out of people walking around the hallways at school sending and checking text messages on their cell phones. They always hold the phone perpendicular to their chest a few inches from their body and stare at the screen while somehow managing to avoid other pedestrians. It looks to me as if they are scanning the area for signs of life with a tricorder on Enterprise away mission or something. I would crack up if someone could get their cell phone to emit those classic scanning sounds.

Posted by Matthew at September 6, 2006 04:40 PM

Yeah. Thats great. I have a little motorola flip phone and I've been looking for the little "Churp" sound that the original Star Trek series communicator makes when I flip open my cell phone. That would be hot!

Posted by: at September 7, 2006 02:22 PM