January 28, 2007

One month

It's been one month since my father passed away. It's interesting how life hasn't changed in one big way, but rather in thousands of little ways. I'll share a few of my experiences. I've noticed how many more characters on TV or in movies seem to have fathers with cancer. I'm bothered by junk mail that still gets sent to my dad. Instead of telling people i'm going to "my parents' house," i tell them i'm going to "my parent's house." It sounds the same but i know that the apostrophe has moved. I see these silly myspace surveys with a question like "parents: single, married, or divorced" and i'm not sure what the correct answer is. It's odd that now a picture isn't just supposed to remind me of what he looks like; but it's supposed to remind me who he was.

Posted by Matthew at January 28, 2007 10:26 PM