February 21, 2007

Where's Matthew?

Usually i spend the first week and a half of class carefully choosing where i want to sit in class. Over the years i've come up with a list of guidelines that help to ensure i don't set into trouble when the teacher suddenly assigns "groupwork." However, this semester i've abandoned that plan entirely. For the first time, i have two classes back to back in the same room. There was no way to optimize my seating position for both classes so i adopted a new strategy. I've chosen to sit in a different desk each day. I feel like some sort of ethnomethodologist performing a norm breaking experiment. So far, no one has demanded that i give up their seat when i take it for the day.

On Monday, Dr Austin, a teacher of one of my two back-to-back classes, announced before his lecture that the first thirty seconds of class are like a live-action version of Where's Waldo. I'm not sure quite how to take that because he followed up with his feeling on the Where's Waldo game: "You spend ten minutes finding Waldo and that's it; you're done. That's ten minutes of your life you can never get back."

Posted by Matthew at February 21, 2007 05:57 PM

Where's Matthew, indeed.

Posted by: Mark at March 2, 2007 07:20 AM