April 07, 2007

What could have been

Before our Bed, Breakfast and Beyond improv shows, we ask the audience members to write down a location, a thing, and a line of dialog on different colored index cards. We use these suggestions throughout the show. Unfortunately, we are only able to use a fraction of the cards we receive. I enjoy going through the cards after the show and thinking about what could have been if only we picked that card. Here are some of the more interesting suggestions from our first two weekends of shows:

The American Pretzel Museum in DeMoines. "If hurting feelings was your goal, you shot an arrow through my lungs." "You're such a zombie." Confessional at St. Leroys' Church. "The cleavage of a mineral helps in identification." The New Kids on the Block CD Box set. "Not every problem can be solved by flossing!" Bumbershoot. "Sounds like a baby dying." Saltine cracker factory. "I think you should leave Larry and Bob's nuts alone." The secret party room in the back of a pharmacy. The southwest corner of a small box. "There's no 'I' in insurance."

Posted by Matthew at April 7, 2007 12:32 AM