November 14, 2007

Hundred-legged house guest

Normally bugs don't "bug" me that much. I tolerate most insects and let them be. However, since moving to Ann Arbor, i have encountered a new bug which creeps me out. It's called the house centipede. Here's a picture from What's that Bug.

house centipede

It's hard to get a good sense of the size from the pic, but the one i saw at my apartment was nearly three inches long. Seriously, why do they need so many legs? And you'd think that with all those appendages to trip over, they wouldn't be able to move that fast; but those suckers zoom along -- even up walls. And unlike the clueless fly, they see you coming so it's hard to sneak up on 'em to get rid of them. According to the bug-ologists, i should welcome these creatures because they feed on other insects; however, i'm not quite sure i'm ready to make them my roommate.

Posted by Matthew at November 14, 2007 08:49 PM

I bet you could get some good dna sequences from them.

Posted by: Mark at November 14, 2007 10:44 PM

that's frickin' disgusting!!!

Posted by: Rebecca at December 21, 2007 05:26 PM