October 29, 2009

Halloween Statistics Jokes

What's a ghost's favorite distribtuion?
-The Ber-ghoul-i distribution

When was Bayes happiest?
-In a prior life

How did theta dress up for halloween?
-He put a hat on

Why didn't null hypothesis win the costume contest?
-He got rejected.

How many houses did the geometric distribution go trick-or-treating at?
-He stopped at his first failure

That's mu's favorite candy bar?
- The x bar

Why did theta stop trick-or-treating after he got is first x?
- Because x was sufficient for theta.

How did the discrete distribution die?
- It was Poisson-ed

Why was the vampire angry when the waitress brought him a random sample?
- Because he had ordered statistics

Why did Dracula have trouble transforming into a bat?
- He forgot about the Jacobian

Why didn't the statiscian ask for pieces of candy from the standard normal distribution?
- He expected 0

Why did the twin zombies have a non-zero covariance?
- Because they're gore-related

Which author did the statiscian dress up as?
- MLE Dickinson

What estimator did the timid ghost use to haunt his house?
- Least Scares

Posted by Matthew at 10:39 PM | Comments (0)